My Services.
Consecutive Interpretation
1 hour: € 60
Half day (max 5 hours): 230 €
Full day (max 8 hours): 380 €
Accompaniment Assistance
1 hour: € 50
Half day (max 5 hours): 80 €
Full day (max 8 hours): 130 €
Translation (per page, about 1,500 characters, including spaces): 30 € - 65 € depending on the degree of difficulty.
The translation is made from Chinese to Italian or from Italian to Chinese
Professionalism, responsibility and accuracy in the individual details. Technical, legal, contracts, economic negotiations, statutes of business.
Are native speakers of Chinese, graduated in economics in Italy and specializing in economics and Business Law at University of study Verona. Boasting of experience in the field of translation from and into Chinese.
Yu Lin, the Chinese translator of your trust
Various Practices
Family reunification telematics question: 100 €.
Telematics Application for Italian citizenship application: 100 €.
Request appointment for the input record in Italy rejoined the family: 50 €.
Request appointment for the Italian language test for issuance of permit for EU long-term residents: 50 €.
Compilation residence permit: 25 €.
Practices passing water / electricity / gas: 20 €.
Birth registration of residence in Mantua (to renew the residence permit): 500 €.
“If you talk …